Behavioral Health Integration Services
BHI is widely seen as effective for improving outcomes for Americans with mental or behavioral health conditions. Medicare pays physicians and non-physician practitioners separately for BHI services provided over a month.
Care Team Members

Treating (Billing) Practitioner
A physician or non-physician practitioner (PA, NP, CNS, CNM), typically primary care, may be of another specialty.

The patient is a member of the care team where Nsight provides behavior health integration care services on a monthly basis.

Potential Clinical Staff
The billing practitioner delivers the service in full or uses qualified clinical staff to deliver services using a team-based approach.
Behavioral Health Integration Services

What makes Behavior Health Integration different?
BHI is a type of care management for patients with mental health conditions. Working with CPT 99484, providers can partner with Nsight to bill monthly services delivered using the BHI models of care. This includes services like risk assessments and monitoring, care plans for patients whose condition isn’t improving, health coaching and maintaining a continuous relationship with an experienced behavior health team member
Eligible Conditions
Medicare classifies eligible conditions as any mental, behavioral health, or psychiatric condition treated by the billing practitioner, including substance use disorders, that, in the clinical judgment of the billing practitioner, calls for BHI services. The patient may have pre-existing conditions, or the billing practitioner may make the diagnosis(es) and refine them over time.

Service Components
Provide initial assessment and care management services for patient
Systematic assessment and monitoring using applicable validated clinical rating scales
Track patient follow-up and progress; using tools such as PHQ-9 (depression)/GAD (anxiety)
Provide brief interventions to patients using evidence-based techniques and other treatment strategies
Ongoing collaboration with the primary care and psychiatric consultant
Facilitation and coordination of behavioural health treatment
EMR Integrations